Recently we have made a few revisions to our school’s Make-Up Policy, here is the policy as follows:
A participant who misses one(1) or more lessons in a calendar quarter is eligible to attend one(1) Make-Up lesson within ninety(90) days of the missed lesson, provided, the participant is actively enrolled at Sutton Swim School at the time of the make-up lesson. The make-up may be booked by the participant, parent or legal guardian via our website or the front desk no more than three(3) days prior to the desired start of the make-up lesson. All Make-Up lessons (including participants in Private and Semi-Private lessons) will be held in Group lessons. Make-up lessons cannot be transferred, cancelled, or rescheduled.
Some changes you may notice are: Participants are no longer required to call in advance for their missed lesson in order to redeem a Make-Up lesson with us. Also, to make active lesson bookings and transfers easier for participants, we have changed the maximum days out that you may redeem a Make-Up to three(3) days. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us at the front desk!