Thank you for choosing us to be a part of your swim journey!
Sutton Swim School Safety Measures
Following the guidelines from CDC and the Santa Clara County Health Department, our measures puts the safety of our students, family members and staff first. Read about our State-of-the-Art Facility to learn about our premium setup assuring health and safety of all our swimmers and staff.
Sutton Swim School is dedicated to the health and safety of our staff and customers. Listed below are the safety measures we have taken so you can feel comfortable coming to our facility.
Safety & Social Distancing:
Facemasks are required to be worn by all families and Sutton Swim staff members when approaching the facility, while in the facility, and when exiting.
Everyone will need to maintain at least 6 feet distance from each other with the exception of family members who Shelter In Place together. Our viewing area has been set up to make this easy for everyone (please do not move our benches or chairs).
We are offering small group, private and semi-private swim lessons.
Siblings (who share the same household) can take a semi-private lesson in the same lane.
Swim lessons will be spaced out (6 feet or more) in the pool.
Students are asked to arrive and leave the facility wearing their swimsuit.
Students are allowed to take a short 2 minute shower.
If you are sick or showing symptoms of COVID-19, please stay home and get well.
All employees have been told not to come to work if they are sick.
Any employee that comes to work feeling sick and/or shows COVID-19 symptoms will be sent home immediately.
We will be disinfecting all surfaces multiple times per day. These areas include (not limited to): workstations, countertops, doorknobs, and chairs.
Hand sanitizer will be placed at various locations throughout our facility.
Bathrooms, staff break rooms and other common areas will be disinfected frequently.
Additional Information:
There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools.
We will continue to maintain a well balanced, chlorinated pool per the CDC and local health department requirements. We have a Neptune Benson Filter which can trap debris as small as 3 microns and turns over water six times faster than the required rate, as well as a UV system that cleans and neutralizes the water to keep us free of E Coli and similar bacteria without using additional harsh chemicals.